In this lesson, we wanted to incorporate the concepts of form and function. The students were taken on a nature walk at the beginning of class to discover art materials for their found object sculpture. We discussed the differences between functional and non-functional objects as well as art objects that have permanence versus those that do not. The link to the blog for this day is here.
Service Learning Lesson Plan 2
Title: Gooey Thinking Group/Date: 02/29/16
Community Connections Kellyn, Erica and Crystal
Lesson Idea and Relevance: What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of importance to your students? How is it relevant to students of this age and background?
We will inform the students of and offer them several methods to create a form.
Essential Understanding (s): What are the “big ideas”? What specific understandings about them are desired?
Essential Question (s): What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?
Outcomes - Students will be able to...What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture; expressive features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill? ...Compare and contrast art work; analyze sketches?
Students will be able to:
Students will be able to demonstrate their creative process of doing, intending, realizing, action, re-intending by creating various forms from explored 3D objects.
Student Reflective Activity: Through what authentic performance task(s) will students demonstrate the desired understandings? How will students reflect upon and self-assess their learning?
Artist Gallery Walk: Students will be given the opportunity to reflect and analyze their own work through viewing their peers’ work. Students will be able to reflect upon their own work as well as infer the art making process by looking at others’ work. This will serve as a conclusion to the session as well as a transition into clean-up.
Review: Students will be given a chance to reflect and comment on their finished/dry artwork from Lesson 1.
Assessment Instrument (s): By what criteria will “performances of understanding” be judged?
Good: Student will create at least one permanent and one temporary sculpture and understand the difference.
Getting it: Student will create at least one sculpture either temporary or permanent and have explored the materials.
Not Getting it: Student demonstrates difficulty with materials, understanding of temporary or permanent, student does not participate in activity.
Pre-assessment: How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the teacher know where the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
Motivation: How will you hook all students and hold their interest?
-“Hey, wouldn’t this be cool if I stacked these sticks to create a sculpture?”
During lesson questions:
Ideation: How will you equip students, help them experience the key ideas, and explore the issues to generate ideas for their art work?
Procedures: How is the lesson organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work? Allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Include literacy and numeracy?
7. After the gallery walk, teachers will say, “Now it’s time to clean up. Make sure that you clean up your materials and your working space. Remember, everyone needs to contribute to cleaning up.”
Materials and Resources: What is needed to complete the learning plan? List materials and resources in a bullet-ed format.
Preparation and Safety: What do you need to prepare for this experience? What safety issues need to be addressed? List steps of preparation and safety in a bullet-ed format.
Accommodations: How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources and/or Process) and Expression (Products and/or Performance)?
1. Elli needs to be able to sit in a chair instead of a stool if she needs. She will have a table set up next to the art tables.
2. Shelby will be monitored for continued interest. She has a short attention span.
3. All non verbal communicators will be shown the techniques through hand-over-hand demonstration.
4. Employ certain participants to assist in demonstrations, through their own activity.
Title: Gooey Thinking Group/Date: 02/29/16
Community Connections Kellyn, Erica and Crystal
Lesson Idea and Relevance: What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of importance to your students? How is it relevant to students of this age and background?
We will inform the students of and offer them several methods to create a form.
- using three dimensional objects, the creative process can be used to affect a space.
- It is important for students to be able to explore with three dimensional materials
- It is important for the students to learn that certain forms are more permanent and others are more temporary.
- It is important for students to understand that form affects function and vice versa.
Essential Understanding (s): What are the “big ideas”? What specific understandings about them are desired?
- Art can be both temporary and long-lasting
Essential Question (s): What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?
- How can artists change forms to affect their function?
- How can artists use objects to alter a space?
- When does a material become an art material?
Outcomes - Students will be able to...What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture; expressive features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill? ...Compare and contrast art work; analyze sketches?
Students will be able to:
Students will be able to demonstrate their creative process of doing, intending, realizing, action, re-intending by creating various forms from explored 3D objects.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the relationship between permanent and impermanent forms.
- Students will recognize that changing a material can change an object’s function
- Students will be able to apply what they have learned from other artists to explore 3D forms.
- Students will be able to re-visit and build upon understanding of previous tissue paper lesson.
- Students will be able to compare their work to their peers and infer the artwork of others.
Student Reflective Activity: Through what authentic performance task(s) will students demonstrate the desired understandings? How will students reflect upon and self-assess their learning?
Artist Gallery Walk: Students will be given the opportunity to reflect and analyze their own work through viewing their peers’ work. Students will be able to reflect upon their own work as well as infer the art making process by looking at others’ work. This will serve as a conclusion to the session as well as a transition into clean-up.
Review: Students will be given a chance to reflect and comment on their finished/dry artwork from Lesson 1.
Assessment Instrument (s): By what criteria will “performances of understanding” be judged?
- Students will demonstrate understanding by creating a form with a function or without function.
- Students will show others their work and demonstrate its function/s or lack of function.
Good: Student will create at least one permanent and one temporary sculpture and understand the difference.
Getting it: Student will create at least one sculpture either temporary or permanent and have explored the materials.
Not Getting it: Student demonstrates difficulty with materials, understanding of temporary or permanent, student does not participate in activity.
Pre-assessment: How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the teacher know where the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
- Interest in 3d work has been exhibited in previous introduction activity by most students.
- Teachers will ask students questions to assess and access the students’ prior knowledge like:
- “Last time we worked with tissue paper, which is a 2D form. Raise your hand if you think there a difference between 2D forms and 3D forms?”
- “Raise your hand if you can tell me what a 3D form is?”
- “What kind of forms can we use? What kind of forms do we not use?”
- “Are there certain 3D forms that I can keep versus forms that I cannot keep?”
Motivation: How will you hook all students and hold their interest?
- Invite the students to go outside for a nature walk to collect possible sculpture materials.
- Ask inspirational questions in a role-playing fashion.
-“Hey, wouldn’t this be cool if I stacked these sticks to create a sculpture?”
During lesson questions:
- “ How is building with these blocks different than this sculpture that we used glue on?”
- ” What if I layered these leaves or blades of grass on a piece of paper?” I wonder what would happen if I glued them down?”
Ideation: How will you equip students, help them experience the key ideas, and explore the issues to generate ideas for their art work?
- Introduce Idea through hook conversation and demonstration.
- Ask brief question of function or no function for everyday objects. Keep it obvious.
- Demonstrate creating a form after the nature walk with collected objects. Teachers can ask students questions like “Could I stack these objects in an interesting way?” or “How could I attach these pieces so that I could change the form that I create?” or “Look how this leaf changes shape when I tear it, how could I use it to create color or texture on my sculpture?”
- Students can consider ideas for their sculptures by discussing or demonstrating possibilities.
Procedures: How is the lesson organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work? Allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Include literacy and numeracy?
- Reintroduce ourselves and help students create a personalized name tag (choose color, add designs if desired)
- Briefly review what we did last class and compare to today’s lesson
- ex: “Last time we worked with 2 dimensional materials. This time we are going to work with 3 dimensional materials.”
- Ask hook question, full group. Demonstrate while talking to reinforce idea. Demonstrate a found object and question the identity of the object. ie: “Kellyn what does this thing look like to you?” As we go outside, teachers can ask students questions like “have you ever seen anything on the ground that’s interesting that you’ve wanted to pick up?” “Hey, wouldn’t this be cool if I stacked these sticks to create a sculpture?”
- Teachers will have students collect materials that they find interesting such as (but not limited to) rocks, sticks, leaves, etc.
- Introduce materials, at each table. ie: this table has blocks, this table has other found objects like you found, etc.
- Explain that each student may experience each table, they do not have to stay at one table. They may work until they feel they are finished at that table. They will be reminded to share and take turns if necessary.
- Motivational questions may be asked at each center to encourage students to utilize the materials.
- ex: “what could happen if you glued this object in the hole of the other one? What other materials could you bring in?
- ex: “what could happen if you glued this object in the hole of the other one? What other materials could you bring in?
- example: Andy Goldsworthy
- If there are students who work faster than other students in all of the centers, they will be encouraged to re-visit tissue paper to document their forms or brainstorm other ideas for other things that could be used in sculpture.
7. After the gallery walk, teachers will say, “Now it’s time to clean up. Make sure that you clean up your materials and your working space. Remember, everyone needs to contribute to cleaning up.”
Materials and Resources: What is needed to complete the learning plan? List materials and resources in a bullet-ed format.
- artwork from Lesson 1
- wood blocks
- premade forms (sculptures?)
- visual examples from artists/resource photos
- plate, cup, bowl
- lesson plan
- Name tags
- markers and colored pencils
- glue/hot glue gun
- Tissue Paper
- Watered down glue
- paintbrushes
- Drawing paper
- Miscellaneous pieces: deck of cards, picture frame pieces, plastic silverware, etc.
Preparation and Safety: What do you need to prepare for this experience? What safety issues need to be addressed? List steps of preparation and safety in a bullet-ed format.
- Set up all materials
- Set up separate ‘centers’ tables
- blocks
- frame pieces
- reflection table- tissue paper, glue, markers and paper
- found objects table
- Monitor “found object” materials- no sharp objects, cigarette butts etc
- Monitor tool use (especially the hot glue gun)
- Monitor attendance at each table and encourage students to experience all of the tables.
Accommodations: How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources and/or Process) and Expression (Products and/or Performance)?
1. Elli needs to be able to sit in a chair instead of a stool if she needs. She will have a table set up next to the art tables.
2. Shelby will be monitored for continued interest. She has a short attention span.
3. All non verbal communicators will be shown the techniques through hand-over-hand demonstration.
4. Employ certain participants to assist in demonstrations, through their own activity.