Niwot Elementary K-5
Kindergarten through 2nd
Artists utilize appropriate materials and techniques in order to convey components of themselves and the world around them. (materials and techniques)
I can use materials and methods to create art that tells a story.
Explore materials to make the best choices to create a meaningful work of art that describes their idea in multiple formats, including elements of line, shape and texture.(compare and contrast, designing a problem and solution finding) (Bloom’s: Create Standard: VA3.1 Create art to communicate ideas, feelings or emotions. GLE: Develop and build appropriate mastery in art-making skills using traditional and new technologies and an understanding of the characteristics and expressive features of art and design ART learning: Materials(s)/technique(s) )
I can explore material to find the best solution for my art making process and artistic intent.
Tell a story about their critter and its place, using visual and verbal language. (Bloom’s: Create Standard: VA 1.2- Art represents or renders the stories of people, place or thing. GLE: Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means for expression ART learning: Conceptual/ideation/personal grounding Literacy: Reading, listening and writing, visual language)
I can tell a story about my critter and where it lives through art.
Explain how they created a 2D image and worked from that creation to make a 3D object, (analyze-synthesize-convey) (Bloom’s: Understand Standard: VA 2.1 Visual arts provide opportunities to respond to personal works of art and the art of others GLE: Recognize, articulate, and implement critical thinking in the visual arts by synthesizing, evaluating, and analyzing visual information ART learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Literacy: Communication)
I can talk about my process of art making.
I can use materials and methods to create art that tells a story.
Explore materials to make the best choices to create a meaningful work of art that describes their idea in multiple formats, including elements of line, shape and texture.(compare and contrast, designing a problem and solution finding) (Bloom’s: Create Standard: VA3.1 Create art to communicate ideas, feelings or emotions. GLE: Develop and build appropriate mastery in art-making skills using traditional and new technologies and an understanding of the characteristics and expressive features of art and design ART learning: Materials(s)/technique(s) )
I can explore material to find the best solution for my art making process and artistic intent.
Tell a story about their critter and its place, using visual and verbal language. (Bloom’s: Create Standard: VA 1.2- Art represents or renders the stories of people, place or thing. GLE: Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means for expression ART learning: Conceptual/ideation/personal grounding Literacy: Reading, listening and writing, visual language)
I can tell a story about my critter and where it lives through art.
Explain how they created a 2D image and worked from that creation to make a 3D object, (analyze-synthesize-convey) (Bloom’s: Understand Standard: VA 2.1 Visual arts provide opportunities to respond to personal works of art and the art of others GLE: Recognize, articulate, and implement critical thinking in the visual arts by synthesizing, evaluating, and analyzing visual information ART learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Literacy: Communication)
I can talk about my process of art making.
4th Graders
Art has both form and function, and is influenced by culture, tradition and history.
Given vocabulary and definitions prior to and pertinent to the art activity, learners will be able to effectively explain in what ways their design is functional, portable and aesthetically pleasing. (Blooms: Apply Standard: (VA 2.1) The critique process informs judgments about artistic and aesthetic merits in works of art. GLE: Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material culture, information, and technologies. Identify, compare and justify that the visual arts are a way to acknowledge, exhibit and learn about the diversity of peoples, cultures and ideas. Art Learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Technology)
I can explain how my design is functional, portable and defend the aesthetic quality of my work.
Given materials and tools conducive to building a model, learners will be able to construct their design using their plan in a reduced size format and using adaptability to overcome material discrepancies. ((Blooms: Create Standard: (VA 1.2) Artists and viewers determine artistic intent by comparing and contrasting the characteristics and expressive features of art and design GLE: Create works of art that articulate more sophisticated ideas, feelings, emotions, and points of view about art and design through an expanded use of media and technologies. Art Learning: Materials(s)/technique(s)Technology: building and small machine knowledge)
I can effectively use materials and tools to create a small-scale model of my design, adapting to what is available.
Given access to technology and time, learners will be able to reflect on their work and final product through creating an artist statement. (Blooms: Create Standard: (VA 2.1) Artists and viewers determine artistic intent by comparing and contrasting the characteristics and expressive features of art and design GLE: Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material culture, information, and technologies. Identify, compare and justify that the visual arts are a way to acknowledge, exhibit and learn about the diversity of peoples, cultures and ideas. Art Learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Technology: appropriate application use for process reflection)
I can use available technology to write my artist statement and reflect upon my process.
Given vocabulary and definitions prior to and pertinent to the art activity, learners will be able to effectively explain in what ways their design is functional, portable and aesthetically pleasing. (Blooms: Apply Standard: (VA 2.1) The critique process informs judgments about artistic and aesthetic merits in works of art. GLE: Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material culture, information, and technologies. Identify, compare and justify that the visual arts are a way to acknowledge, exhibit and learn about the diversity of peoples, cultures and ideas. Art Learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Technology)
I can explain how my design is functional, portable and defend the aesthetic quality of my work.
Given materials and tools conducive to building a model, learners will be able to construct their design using their plan in a reduced size format and using adaptability to overcome material discrepancies. ((Blooms: Create Standard: (VA 1.2) Artists and viewers determine artistic intent by comparing and contrasting the characteristics and expressive features of art and design GLE: Create works of art that articulate more sophisticated ideas, feelings, emotions, and points of view about art and design through an expanded use of media and technologies. Art Learning: Materials(s)/technique(s)Technology: building and small machine knowledge)
I can effectively use materials and tools to create a small-scale model of my design, adapting to what is available.
Given access to technology and time, learners will be able to reflect on their work and final product through creating an artist statement. (Blooms: Create Standard: (VA 2.1) Artists and viewers determine artistic intent by comparing and contrasting the characteristics and expressive features of art and design GLE: Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material culture, information, and technologies. Identify, compare and justify that the visual arts are a way to acknowledge, exhibit and learn about the diversity of peoples, cultures and ideas. Art Learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer Technology: appropriate application use for process reflection)
I can use available technology to write my artist statement and reflect upon my process.