Artists utilize appropriate materials and techniques in order to convey components of themselves and the world around them. (materials and techniques)
I can use materials and methods to create art that’s about me.
Lesson Plan 1:
Given art materials SWBAT: design sketchbook cover using elements of their personal life effectively, through a variety of materials (Blooms: Make/ Standard: Create / GLE: Create art to communicate ideas, feelings, or emotions/ Art Learning: Expressive features and characteristics of art; NLT: sequencing)
Lesson Plan 3:
Given Acrylics, SWBAT create colors by mixing and using brush techniques to use in their future works. (Blooms: Create | Standard: Create | GLE: Create art to communicate ideas, feelings, or emotions | AL: Materials/Techniques; NLT: measurements/quantity)
Lesson Plan 3:
Given materials, SWBAT Create images inspired by their individual life experiences and thoughts. (Blooms: Create | Standard: Comprehend | GLE: Art represents and renders the stories of people, places, or things | AL: Elements/principles of art |Numeracy: repetition)
Lesson Plan 4:
Utilizing skills learned in previous lesson, SWBAT create a work of art, utilizing at least three mixed colors. (Blooms: Create; Standard: Create; 3.1- GLE: Create art to communicate ideas, feelings and emotions; Art Learning: Material techniques; Numeracy: Critical thinking, Repetition.)
Lesson Plan 5:
Using preliminary 2D sketches and given clay, SWBAT create a 3D form by transferring the same elements and principles of design from the 2D into the 3D form. (Blooms: Create/Analyze | Standard: Create | GLE: Create art to communicate ideas, feelings, or emotions | AL: Materials and Techniques/Transfer | Techniques and Art Elements)
Lesson Plan 5:
Given clay, SWBAT create an animal by manipulating various clay techniques, such as slipping and scoring, pinch-pot, slabs and coil.(Blooms:Create| Standard:Create| GLE:Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material culture,information,and technologies. Al:Materials(s)/technique(s)
Artists use images to communicate ideas and emotions connected to community and personal history. (history and culture)
Using art, I can show what I know about who I am.
Lesson Plan 2:
Given prompts and through observation, SWBAT Create images from their surroundings, that communicate their observations.( Blooms: Create; Standard: Comprehend; GLE: Art represents and renders the stories of people, places, or things ; AL: multi cultural/historical content; NLT: repetition)
Lesson Plan 5:
Given materials, SWBAT transfer concepts into an artwork based on past artwork’s concepts and ideas. (Blooms: Create | Standard: Transfer | GLE: Visual arts relate experiences to self, family, and friends | AL: Expressive Features and characteristics of art, Historical/multicultural content | Literacy)
Artists use reflection as a part of the art making process. (reflection and ideation)
I can learn from thinking about my art.
Lesson Plan 1:
Given information SWBAT: utilize sketchbooks by reflecting on how other artists use sketchbooks.. (Blooms: Applying/ Standard: Reflect/ GLE: Visual arts provide opportunities to respond to personal works of art and the art of others/ Art Learning: Critical reflection/aesthetics/transfer; NLT: communicating understanding)
Lesson Plan 2:
Given materials, SWBAT Recall a personal event and explain it through art making, using visual storytelling. (Blooms: Knowledge; Standard: Transfer; GLE: Communication through advanced visual methods is a necessary skill in everyday life; AL: Critical reflection; NLT: sequencing, storytelling )
Lesson Plan 2:
Given examples, SWBAT communicate through creative response about the art around them, effectively. (Blooms: Comprehension; Standard: Comprehend; GLE: Historical and cultural context are found in visual art; AL: Elements and Principles of art; NLT: critical thinking)
Lesson Plan 3:
Shown an image of an artwork, SWBAT communicate what is visually being depicted through vocabulary such as repetition, texture, pattern and color. (Blooms: Understanding | Standard: Comprehend | GLE: Art represents and renders the stories of people, places, or things | AL: Critical reflection | Literacy)
Lesson Plan 4:
Using observational sketches, SWBAT plan to create a work of art, that tells a story. (Blooms: Planning; Standard: Comprehend; GLE: Art represents and renders the stories of people, places, or things; Art Learning: Conceptual/ideation/personal grounding; Literacy: story telling)
Lesson Plan 5:
With provided information, SWBAT recognize and evaluate the difference between a 2D and 3D form by discussing the various features. (Blooms: Understanding | Standard: Transfer | GLE: Identify and discuss ways to express ideas in creating works of art | AL: critical reflection/aesthetics | Literacy | concept)
Lesson Plan 5:
Using finished work, SWBAT Explain intention in their art and other student’s art by discussing art making decisions. (Blooms: Evaluate | Standard: Reflect | GLE: Critique personal work and the work of others with informed criteria | AL: Critical reflection | Literacy | Reflection)